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Unlock T-Mobile HTC One M9


ESTIMATED Delivery Time

Price and delivery time may change with selection of current carrier

Dial *#06# or Options, Status, IMEI
Should be a 15-digit number

This is how to get your T-Mobile HTC One M9 device unlocked.

If your device does not ask for an unlock code but instructs you to use a "Device Unlock" application when you insert a SIM card from a different carrier, this is the correct method to unlock your device!

Before you continue!

IMPORTANT: Please Check to see if the Unlocking App is eligible for your T-Mobile HTC One M9:

  1. Launch the “Device Unlock" App.
  2. Press "Continue" then "Permanent Unlock".
  3. The device will show "Unlock Failed", followed by an error. Please check this message:
    • If you receive “Not Eligible for Unlock”, please proceed by selecting your device below.
    • If you receive “Communication Error” or “Server not responding”, DO NOT submit your order as it is not supported for unlocking.

NO REFUNDS will be provided for any orders submitted with the incorrect error message.


T-Mobile Device Unlock App unlock instructions

Once you have received the "unlocked" message, please follow the following instructions carefully.

  1. Please make sure the phone is connected to the Internet with either mobile data or WI-FI.
  2. Please update your "Device Unlock" App.
  3. Open the "Device Unlock" App and click on "Permanent Unlock" to unlock your phone!
  4. Your Device is now Unlocked! Simply try a compatible GSM sim card into the device to start using a new carrier!

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